Free Black Literary Library

For Black History Month, I wanted to do something more than just kente cloths, and Pan-African colors on StLouis tshirts. I wanted something more. In many of my reading groups, Im often asked to refer books and authors that discuss Black race relations, so I built a cabinet and decided to offer a kind of “free library” here at Onetime Supply Co. that has a variety of literature centered on Black stories, writers, voices, and history to be taken and borrowed at one’s leisure.

It took a while to put together but it quickly turned into something bigger (more on that later though). Im really excited to do this but most of all, I hope this inspires everyone to learn more about Black history, Black literature, and Black identity in America. Feel free to stop in and browse through some of the pieces that are offered; or, as always, Im here to discuss or suggest any of this or other reading material for anyone that may not be able to stop by.


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