OSC// Cassius Clay


A callback to an icon’s most iconic designs. Rest in peace to one of the greatest to ever step in the ring. Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali. The Champ.


Cassius Clay was an American Olympic and professional boxer and pro-black activist. Growing up in a time of heavy racial segregation, like many other black Americans in the 50s and 60s, Clay found solace in the Nation of Islam. Through his observation of The Nation, he changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali (an utmost important figure worthy of praise). This change followed his 1964 Heavy Weight Champion fight with Liston that he came out victorious. The Louisville, Kentucky native is widely known as one of the most significant and celebrated figures in the 20th century due to his pro-black views, his distinct panache, and dazzling athleticism.


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OSC// Gray Khamsah